The Call of the Drum

With the leaves comes the war
and the call of the drum,
as we take up our honor
for crown and kingdom.
As the summer trees shake
after the red dawn,
We march to the fields
of death,  
drink, and song.

From the north come the people
who follow the star
where the ice-shattered waters
collect on their spars.
By the cold firece wind blowing
they will each travel far.
When they gather as one
all will know who they are.

With the leaves comes the war…etc.

From the east come the the people
who live by the sea,
farming salt-scented meadows
bringing fish to the quay,
working the sweet land
beneath the ash tree.
When they gather as one
all men shall be kept free.

With the leaves comes the war…etc.

From the south come the people
who live in the wood
sustained by the mountains
as only they could,
stalking wild creatures
with a bow and a hood.
When they gather as one
all will be as it should.

With the leaves comes the war…etc.

From the west come the people
who live on the plain
where hunting is easy
and the earth gives fine grain.
They work and they sing
and they never complain.
When they gather as one
their foes shall find pain.

With the leaves comes the war…etc.

From all paths come the people,
and all places between,
bearing banners all colors
and bright weapons keen.
Regret to the foe
who caused them to convene.
When they gather together
their might shall be seen.

With the leaves comes the war
and the call of the drum,
as we take up our honor
for crown and kingdom.
As the summer trees shake
after the red dawn,
We march to the fields
of death,
drink, and song.

We march to the fields
of death,
drink, and song.


This song was written before the Pennsic War, for Brennan and Wulfgar, inspired by posts from them on Facebook before Pennsic.

The Minstrel and the King

 Above is a basic recording of this piece.

Said the king unto the minstrel
Late last year your kind came here
filling heads with dreams of glory
absent of a war’s true fear

Heard these tales my sweeting son did
Sang them as he learned to lead
and spoke of war as if a lover
and warriors though a dying breed

He has training of a soldier
like all men of noble birth.
His sword and harness ancient make
Their owner deep within the earth.

My best commander sent his herald
Running into my last court
With news that foes were now spreading;
a full-on war we’d not abort.

I would take the heart of that minstrel
in my hand until it ceased
I would drink his blood until my cup ran clear.
Every crow sounds like his singing
each steeple bell that jongleur’s ringing
I would drain my coffers to have silence near
And cease the sound of clapping in my ear….

My graceful son was in the corner
polishing his armor old.
I called his name he did not answer
and the door was down in winter cold.

He took with him his five best men,
though two of them are barely grown.
I cannot bear the thought of them
riding to a death I’ll own.

I would take the heart of that minstrel
in my hand until it ceased
I would drink his blood until my cup ran clear.
Every crow sounds like his singing
each steeple bell that jongleur’s ringing
I would drain my coffers to have silence near
And cease the sound of clapping in my ear….

You’ve one last breath to tell a tale
that will outlive you in this strife
to honor my boy’s love of story –
though it will not spare your life.

For tales and songs did take my lad
each one was truth, so thought my son
which led our youth to take up arms
and ride where they will be undone.

I would take the heart of that minstrel
in my hand until it ceased
I would drink his blood until my cup ran clear.
Every crow sounds like his singing
each steeple bell that jongleur’s ringing
I would drain my coffers to have silence near
And cease the sound of clapping in my ear….

The minstrel looked at captor King
and saw the grieving in his eyes,
“This may my final story be,
I swear to you it holds no lies.”

As I came past the foreign borders
I saw five lads on horses tall.
one of them spoke like a king
commanding over one and all

A hero from another time –
as though a legend had took flesh
behind marched weary retinue
with eyes a-shining and refreshed.

Seeing that this way I came
the commander said these words to me:
“Tell our King his son turned the tide –
all hearing him have sworn to keep us free.”

Would you still take the heart of that minstrel
in your hand until it ceased?
Would you drink his blood until your cup ran clear?
Every crow sounds like his singing
each steeple bell that jongleur’s ringing
Would you drain your coffers to have silence near?
And miss the sound of clapping in your ear?
And miss your people clapping in your ear?



This song was written after returning from Pennsic XLI, as a sort of reaction to my own questions about what bards do, and what their role is in the SCA. It’s a bit about both camps of people who appreciate and don’t appreciate the form, and also it’s an homage to the fighting field – where I often long to be…perhaps because I am inspired to tell tales like this one after I’ve been there.



The Tale of Titus

THIS, THIS is what happens when you issue a challenge to a bard girl when she is grumpy over something unrelated. YOU may become the VICTIM of CREATIVITY.

Just like Titus.

Let this be a cautionary tale to the rest of you.

You can listen to the 3-am draft-singing-at-my-desk recording here. It’s rough, but it’s here…You can even learn it and sing it whenever you see Titus. I’m sure he’d love it. He’s a Roman. They like attention. (This tune may change before you hear me actually sing it live, but the chorus will stay the same. Promise.)

Now the Romans they are noted for their finely pav-ed roads
And they have given us a history and conquered those in woads
They did this wearing dresses and with fine, delicate shoes,
and showed if you fight a Roman, you’ll very likely lose.

Among these warrior people a man stands on his own
he wears a carven chest plate, and strong legs with lovely tone
Known better by his charming smile than even his name
Once you’ve met Titus Claudius, you’ll never be the same.

Oh he’s a lover and a fighter
a healer and a thief
He’ll own a heart a strongly
as a noble holds a fief
He’ll blush just like a maiden
then deliver a coy wink
don’t under estimate the Romans,
for they’re smarter than you think.

It’s true he wears a tunic and walks with his legs bare
And like all the good Roman boys he neatly trims his hair
He boasts with the best of them…when a sword is in his hand
Ask the ladies who hang at the field – he’s known throughout the land

Oh he’s a lover and a fighter
a healer and a thief
He’ll own a heart a strongly
as a noble holds a fief
He’ll blush just like a maiden
then deliver a coy wink
don’t under estimate the Romans,
for they’re smarter than you think.

He is always quick to offer a cup of Roman wine
And with the glass a compliment to make a lady shine
His hands are quick to offer, with a kiss when they are clasped,
And two arms to firmly rescue those who’ve fainted as he passed.

Oh he’s a lover and a fighter
a healer and a thief
He’ll own a heart a strongly
as a noble holds a fief
He’ll blush just like a maiden
then deliver a coy wink
don’t under estimate the Romans,
for they’re smarter than you think.

He’ll lay hands on a shoulder that was recently at war
with one tender touch it’s obvious those hands were meant for more
as he soothes away the aches and pains in body and in soul
To be injured for his healing could soon become a goal…

Oh he’s a lover and a fighter
a healer and a thief
He’ll own a heart a strongly
as a noble holds a fief
He’ll blush just like a maiden
then deliver a coy wink
don’t under estimate the Romans,
for they’re smarter than you think.

Oh he’s a lover and a fighter
a healer and a thief
He’ll own a heart a strongly
as a noble holds a fief
He’ll blush just like a maiden
then deliver a coy wink
don’t under estimate the Romans,
for they’re smarter than you think.




 ps) there you go Serena! And thanks Laurie!

Wait for the War to be Over

This song is featured on the CD “I Am of the North” available for purchase online at:

I have brought in the wheat,
Worked the land with the plow.
I have done all that weather and time would  allow
But it isn’t the same without you somehow
As I wait for the war to be over

I have mended the thatching
The roof is quite strong
I’ve done all the tasks that I knew all along
As I winnow and thresh I almost hear your song
As I wait for the war to be over

There are many dried fish
And root vegetables too
And the berry preserves that I learned to do
But none tastes as good as when I’m with you
As I wait for the war to be over

The hens are still laying
And the meats are all cured
Your unit is headed far north I have heard
We mend and we work as we listen for word
As I wait for the war to be over

When we hear the call
That we’ve finished the strife
I will mount up our boy for the ride of our life
And we will have back then our mother and wife
As we wait for the war to be over.
This song is for my husband, and it’s about my year on the road as a champion. He took care of our son, and our home, and me, so that I could have my grand adventure. And I can’t thank him enough. It was written in the late fall of 2011.

For the Dream – A Bardic Fundraiser

A dedicated SCA bard, Lady Loralei Skye, started a great project, “For the Dream – A Bardic Fundraiser” to add to the Society coffers, recently somewhat depleted. Her effort brought bards from 10 kingdoms who sent in over 120 minutes of music, which was divided into two-volumes which will be sold as digital downolads at Each volume has 17 songs.

I am pleased to be the designer for the “cd cover” on the project.

For the Dream - A Bardic Fundraiser - Volume One
For the Dream - A Bardic Fundraiser - Volume One

The image in this is from a 14th century manuscript – “Mummers. Bodleian Library MS. Bodl. 264, fol 21v.”  The music ghosted in the background is “Martim Codax Cantigas de Amigo.”

For the Dream - A Bardic Fundraiser - VolumeTwo
For the Dream - A Bardic Fundraiser - Volume Two

The illumination in this is called “Das Buch von Kaiser” by Diebold Lauber, circa 1440.  The music ghosted in the background is “Martim Codax Cantigas de Amigo.”

The image below is the promotional and theme image being used to promote the set, and the concept. It features instruments drawn by Michael Praetorius from the 1620 publication “Syntagma Musicum, Theatrum Instrumentorum seu Sciagraphia” and people from a document on commedia d’ell arte by Jacques Callot (1592-1635).

For the Dream - A Bardic Fundraiser - promotional art
For the Dream - A Bardic Fundraiser - promotional art