A dedicated SCA bard, Lady Loralei Skye, started a great project, “For the Dream – A Bardic Fundraiser” to add to the Society coffers, recently somewhat depleted. Her effort brought bards from 10 kingdoms who sent in over 120 minutes of music, which was divided into two-volumes which will be sold as digital downolads at ibards.org. Each volume has 17 songs.
I am pleased to be the designer for the “cd cover” on the project.

The image in this is from a 14th century manuscript – “Mummers. Bodleian Library MS. Bodl. 264, fol 21v.” The music ghosted in the background is “Martim Codax Cantigas de Amigo.”

The illumination in this is called “Das Buch von Kaiser” by Diebold Lauber, circa 1440. The music ghosted in the background is “Martim Codax Cantigas de Amigo.”
The image below is the promotional and theme image being used to promote the set, and the concept. It features instruments drawn by Michael Praetorius from the 1620 publication “Syntagma Musicum, Theatrum Instrumentorum seu Sciagraphia” and people from a document on commedia d’ell arte by Jacques Callot (1592-1635).