The Tyger of the East is an award given to those who most embody and personify the ideals of the East Kingdom. No more than one person may be so recognized during a reign; a person may receive this honor only once. Duke Gregor von Heisler was so honored by Emperor Brennan and Empress Caiolfihonn at Pennsic 43. I was asked by Dutchess Kiena Stewart to craft the text. It is one of the most touching comissions I have received.

Die Menschen hier hören: Wir gelauben, so knecht dienet herre, diene herre auch knecht. Einem ieden solchen man ist auch lieb, nach narung z.u stellen vnd zu trachten. Im ist auch lieb, ere mit eren, trewe mit trewen, gute mit gute widergelten. One liebkosen mit kurzer rede: aller werlte aufhaltung, festung vnd merung sint die werden herren.
Ere, Zucht, Keusche, Milte, Trewe, Masse, Sorge vnd Bescheidenheit wonten stete in sînem hofe. Wirt, ingesinde vnd hausgenosse aller guten leute is Gregor Von Heisler. Wir nennen Sie den goldenen Löwen ein Tiger des Ostens.
Es steht geschrieben: Brennan Augustus Caiolfihonn Augusta
Angesichts 6. August anno sociatis XLIX am Pennsic Krieg XLIII, Königreich Æthelmearc
English Translation
People here, listen: We believe, as the servant serves the master, so the master shall serve the servant. It is a pleasure for such a man to strain for food and strive after honour. It is also a pleasure for him to meet honour with honour, fidelity with fidelity, and good with good. To summarize a long compliment in few words: noble men are the support, the fortification, and the increase of the whole world. Honour, propriety, chastity, generosity, fidelity, moderation, care, and modesty always inhabited his house; host, servant, and household member of all good people is Gregor von Heisler. We name the golden lion a Tiger of the East.
It is written: Brennan Augustus / Caiolfihonn Augusta
Given August 6, anno sociatis XLIX at the Pennsic War XLIII, Kingdom of Æthelmearc
About the text
Words based on “Der Ackermann aus Bohmen/The Husbandman and Death” by Johannes von Saaz written 1401, published 1460; translated into English by Dr. Michael Haldane; crafted to scroll text by Aneleda Falconbridge, with additional translation assistance from German language teacher Melanie Manzer Kyer.
The scroll text is Middle High German “Der Ackermann aus Bohmen” which is a conversation between Death and a Husband, and is significant for the time period, noted as one of the first “humanistic” works.
Because Duke Gregor’s time is in sync with modern times, it would be 1414 to him, and this piece would not have been yet published, though it would have been written. I consulted with a non-SCAdian friend who teaches German and whose studies included a class in Middle High German, she made minor changes to the text at my request (some gender changes) and helped me to rework a line – but other than that the entire text is “as written” by the author in 1401.
The piece is a pretty good read, by any standard.