To all noble kin we now present,
That all consider graciously
The thought, the mind, and the intent
Who loves the East most faithfully.
Her heart of service to you proffer’d
With right good will full honestly,
Refuse it not, since it is offer’d,
But take it to you gentlely.
Far to travel, to run, to ride,
She undertakes it pleasantly;
Bid her to go, straight she doth glide
At your commandement humbly.
Audrye Benyet now we doth entreat
Companion be, not secretly
Silver Crescent Order comes to greet
She who has served all steadfastly.
Amid this Great Northeastern War
The passing year marked fifty-three
Our Grant this day shall be abject:
Therefore accept it lovingly.
On June’s fourteenth day assuredly,
Since this so much we do desire,
Reward Our servant liberally.
For all her service and her hire.
Assigned by Eastern Royalty
Emperor Brennan Empress Caoilfhionn

Calligraphy by Thyra Eiriksdottir. Illumination by Agatha Wanderer. Words from Sir Thomas Wyatt’s “The Heart and Service” adapted by Aneleda Falconbridge.
BASE SELECTION “The Heart and Service” Sir Thomas Wyatt – 1503-1542
This work seemed perfect as a starting point, as even its title provides appropriate context for Audrye’s work! I wanted to stay true to the feel and form, and as the piece was requested to be relatively short, it was a good poetic style to use to accommodate that request. It is 147 words, including the signature line.
The original is here:
The typical form for this piece seems to be loosely based on rhyme royal with lines of varying syllables and matched rhymes.
A (9 syl)
B (8 syl)
A (9 syl)
B (8 syl)
Sir Thomas Wyatt –1503–1542
“Born in Kent, England, Sir Thomas Wyatt was an ambassador to France and Italy for King Henry VIII. Wyatt’s travels abroad exposed him to different forms of poetry, which he adapted for the English language — most notably, the sonnet. Rumored to be Anne Boleyn’s lover, he spent a month in the Tower of London until Boleyn’s execution for adultery. Many consider his poem “Whoso List to Hunt” to be about Boleyn.”