Pelican, Baron Otto Gotlieb

Because We know that you especially desire to hear
and learn the state of Our respect for good works, We
König Tindal und König Alberic, find it fitting to state Our
opinion on the matter of Otto Gotlieb. We have surveyed
Throughout the East from Endeweard’s lands and thence
beyond. Having proved the customs of Service in manners
of leading, of making, of mapping, and all well witnessed by
many, We provide in these days past Martinstag, that Otto
shall be called a companion of the Order of the Pelican
and be knowne by his deeds and countenance. Worthy
is he for whom service is home. The bells should ring, and
crowds come gathering round. Made by Our sovereign word A.S. LV.

König Tindal König Alberic

Text inspired by

  • A public letter from Conrad II to the Abbot of Corvey on the Germans’ Crusade, original in Latin
  • “Worthy Art Thou, Returning Home” and “I‘ve Got My Fief” by Walther von der Vogelweide
  • The length and layout of the piece were dictated by the document upon which the scroll design was based, which has 11 lines of approximately 10 words each.