My lemman doth give me joy!

A Song of Love in Celebration of the Tenth Anniversary of Mistress Fia Kareman and Sir Matthew Moreaveous Avdenmork created by Baroness Aneleda Falconbridge.

Commissioned by Sir Matthew for performance near the Feast Day of St. Swithins in the Year of Our Lord MMXV.

My lemman* doth give me joy!
My lemman doth give me joy!
All like the spring in may anew
doth maketh the girl and boy
dance in the meadow merrily.

He bringth her to the field of play
wherein the tournament is held.
Her sleeve the gallant doth display,
no weapon better weld –  I see
Cupid’s conscript, love’s devotee.

He bringth her flowers of the field
And all good things that gather joy
e’en those which cleverly concealed
hath made her lemman coy – it seems
as round us summer sunlight streams.

My lemman doth give me joy!
My lemman doth give me joy!
All like the spring in may anew
doth maketh the girl and boy
dance in the meadow merrily.

He walks her to the greeny glade,
upon his knee these words he said,
‘Ere we embark on our crusade,
O let us be wed – my heart
That I from you shall never part.

Agree, did she, that Swithins Day*
to stand with him in gale or sun,
in health and injury to stay.
And with the asking done – I see
her kin came forth at his decree.

My lemman doth give me joy!
My lemman doth give me joy!
All like the spring in may anew
doth maketh the girl and boy
dance in the meadow merrily.

Surprised the lady was to find
there stood a servant of Our Lord.
For hearts and souls and hands to bind,
and taketh down their word – my dear
while all around them friends appear’d.

Emboldened by their earnest vow
with love she chided his deceit.
Yet good intent can lies endow!
In spite of their conceit – be bless’d
When sweet with love they are confessed.

My lemman doth give me joy!     |e e e b b e
My lemman doth give me joy !    |e e e b b e
All like the spring in may anew   |d g a b b ag f e
doth maketh the girl and boy       |e e e e b e f g a b
dance in the meadow merrily.      | b a f g f e d e


Leeman is a word meaning “lover” used in Middle English love poetry.

Swithin’s Day: The events discussed in this work took place during a weekend of the Great Northeastern War in Malagentia, traditionally the weekend after July 4th, making it always in the ‘teens of the month of July. St. Swithin’s Day is July 15th, which I judged close enough. There are songs from the middle ages which mention the day, and since this is a bit of a small dance-like piece, it seemed fitting to reference it.