- Omnibus paribus nobilibus et gentilibus
- Vocem populi audimus. Vobis damus
- secundum postulationem Ordinis Pelicani
- nostrum fidelissimum Estgar de Hroficester.
- Rectus et fortis est et propensus omnes
- juvare. Construxit multas vias, conservit
- pacem, servavit populum. Intellegunt opera
- Estgari et opera manuum. Hic vir bonus est.
- Desiderabilia super aurum et lapidem
- pretiosum multum et dulciora
- super mel et favum redundantem. **
- Damus secundum sua opera.
- Reddimus ad Estgarum commodum justum.
- Dignitatem agnoscimus nostri Estgari
- apud aulam nostram in Scira Quintaviae.
- Bagnum est nomen in multis terris.
- Pelicanus est.
- + Ego Ivanus rex Orientis consensi et subscripsi
- + Ego Matilda regina Orientis consensi et subscripsi
*The Lord is my Light, with “Dominus” abbreviated. (Dreda)
** Psalm 18:11
Isabel Chamberlain’s Completed Scroll, with words by Aneleda Falconbridge and interlinear text by

Main sources:
Artistic inspiration is Vespasian Psalter, believed to be the first Latin-to-English translation of the Psalms (into Anglo-Saxon) written, it is thought, in the second quarter of the eighth century. The document features an abbreviated version of Psalm 26 (27).
Original document:
My goals were to have the document look like the original as much as possible.
The text has nearly the same number of lines and nearly the same number of capital letters as the original.
The top image can remain exactly as on the
ABOVE the Latin, as with the extant document, is the text translated to early English/Anglo-Saxon by Mistress Aildreda de Tamwurthe, who is amazing. Then Mistress Isabel Chamberlain put the whole thing together. It was a labor of love.
Dreda’s interlinear text in Anglo-Saxon, as sent to Isabel.

Latin-English Study Bible: Vulgatæ Editionis
Latin Vulgate text, English translation (CPDV), and translation commentary. Ronald L. Conte Jr., translator and editor
British Academy Anglo Saxon Charter website
Medieval psalter language of the psalm on the original document
Edits to the Latin by Master Steffan ap Kennydd (while in lines at Disney World, on vacation, may his name be blessed forever)
Anglo Saxon by Mistress Aildreda de Tamwurthe
Sausage Making Process and Research Documents here:–repNZg7ZQE3G2KpuJI/edit
Aneleda’s English Text:
In the year of the Society 53, April 7
All Peers, Nobles, and Gentles
We hear the voice of the people.
I give you at the request of the Order of the Pelican my loyal
Straight and strong and willing to help everyone.
He built roads, many, keeps the peace, serves the people.
They understand the works of
The man is good.
More precious than gold and precious stones: and sweeter than honey and the honeycomb.
Give him according to his works.
Render to Estgar his reward.
We acknowledge the dignity of our
Great is his name in many lands.
He is a Pelican.
+ I Ivan King of the East agree and subscribe
+ I Matilde Queen of the East agree and subscribe
Aneleda’s Latin Text:
LIII anno societatis VII Aprilis
Do tibi tuæque ad pelecānōrummeo fidelissimo Estgarus Hrofiscestri.
Rect et fortis et patiens Adiutor omnis.
Construxit itineribus multis, custodit pacem, serves populus.
Quoniam intellegunt opera Estgarum et opus manuum.
Desiderabilia super aurum et lapidem pretiosum multum et dulciora super mel et favum redundantem.
Da Estgarus
Dignitatemque agnoscimus nostrorum Estagrum apud aulam nostram in villa Quintavia. admirábile est nomen eius in multis eius terras
Ipse vir pelecānum est.
+ Ego Ivanus rex Oreintalum consensi et subscripsi
+ Ego Matilde regina Oreintalum consensi et subscripsi
Steffan’s Edits to the Latin Text:
Omnibus paribus nobilibus et gentilibus
Vocem populi audimus
Vobis damus secundum postulationem Ordinis Pelicani nostrum fidelissimum Estgar de Hroficester.
Rectus et fortis est et propensus omnes juvare.
Construxit multas vias, conservit pacem, servavit populum.
Intellegunt opera Estgari et opera manuum.
Hic vir bonus est.
Desiderabilia super aurum et lapidem pretiosum multum et dulciora super mel et favum redundantem.*
Damus secundum sua opera.
Reddimus ad Estgarum commodum justum.
Dignitatem agnoscimus nostri Estgari apud aulam nostram in Scira Quintaviae.
Magnum est nomen in multis terris.
Pelicanus est.
+ Ego Ivanus rex Orientis consensi et subscripsi
+ Ego Matilda regina Orientis consensi et subscripsi
** this was taken directly from the Vulgate. Psalm 18:11
English Translation of the Final Latin
TO all peers, nobles
We hear the voice of the people
We give to you, according to the petition of the Order of the Pelican Our most faithful Estgar of Hroficester
Straight and strong he is and willing to help all.
He has built many roads, conserved the peace, served and protected the people.
They recognize
This one is a good man.
More precious than gold and precious stones
And sweeter than honey and the honeycomb.
We give according to his works.
We render to Estgar his proper reward.
We acknowledge the dignity of our Estgar among our shire of Quintavia.
Great is his name in many lands
He is a Pelican.
+ I Ivan King of the East agree and subscribe
+ I Matilde Queen of the East agree and subscribe