Laurel Scroll for Dutchess Aikaterina. Calligraphy by Howard Stith, Words by Monique Bouchard and illumination by Jana Brooks. Inspired by the portrait of Roger Mortimer, (d 1398), in the Robes of the Garter. 15th century document.
Kaffaud paub y teithi. llauen vi bri brython.
Kenhittor kirrn eluch. kathil hetuch a hinon.***
As dart verdant dragonflies
such rare grace her gifts supplies
swiftly do her fine hands sing
where threads do bloom sweet as spring
at the border, thread of gold
stitched o’re hours ‘ere untold
Fearsome tyger rampant there
golden roses twined in pair
bedeck her now greenly here
she whose talents do endear
on her brow place leaves supine –
laurels for our lady fine
laurel order stand and speak
of this gentle lady meek
Praise to Aikaterine
Saith Rex and Regina
Thus is Dutchess Aikaterine FitzWilliam brought into the Order of the Laurel at ** event/date/TBA** AS 46, by the hand of King Gregor and Queen Kiena.
Kaffaud paub y teithi. llauen vi bri brython.
Kenhittor kirrn eluch. kathil hetuch a hinon.
*** From the Black Book of Carmarthen, c.1250
All Britons rejoice, sounding joyful horns.
Chanting songs of happiness and peace! also translated as:
Everyone shall have his due, happy will be the Briton’s fame;
Horns of rejoycing will be sounded, and songs of peace and of fair weather.
**I chose this style to reflect the location of residence for the FitzWilliam personae, on the border of Wales and England. Since Aikaterine was born in the Holy Roman Empire, so I am working on the premise that she is herself a Briton. The celebratory text of the Welsh and the Welsh verse style in English blend the two cultures. The Cywydd deuair hyrion form I use is somewhat loose in form, my rhyming stresses are far from perfect.**
The most common variation is the cywydd deuair hyrion (cuh’-with day’-air her’-yon). It is made up of rhyming couplets of seven syllables each, with the accent differing on the rhyming words. This differing accentuation is called cynghanedd, which is a term for a system of alliteration and internal rhyme. There may be any number of couplets. The first line finishes with a stressed syllable and the second with an unstressed syllable. There is no set length.
x x x x x x a
x x x x x x a
x x x x x x b
x x x x x x b
The scroll could only be so long, so I edited the original work to fit the space that was available. I sent the scribe both options.
As dart verdant dragonflies
such rare grace her gifts supplies
swiftly do her fine hands sing
where threads do bloom sweet as spring
linen, wool for dress and cote
heraldic charge each denote
Fearsome tyger rampant there
golden roses twined in pair
at the border thread of gold
stitched o’re hours ‘ere untold
this bouquet of skills afford
an armorial award
bedeck her now greenly here
she whose talents do endear
on her brow place leaves supine –
laurels for our lady fine
laurel order stand and speak
of this gentle lady meek
Praise to Aikaterine
Saith Rex and Regina
Trees had aged three more rings
since pass of pride gift son.
Kraken’s son we kenned Daniel
Taken from tree copse Eastern.
His father fell to the morning
Came to field, called by memory,
Joined forest of flight-swifters
to loose shafts, shoot for glory
Queen’s side-man he sought to be
He would stand, in stead of son.
Bold minded below breast fort
Forest yeoman, yew in hand.
By pyre of day in previous morn
On steed road made his journey
Hard one’s luck, who leaves his horse
Unexpected, poor his outcome.
He fell to earth fast as fletching
Bonehouse broke, on bitter landing.
Bearing new two baleful knees
Kraken walked the woods and shot.
Heavy weighed winding linen
of curved limb and curving limb
laming legs, strong man straining
Danegeld later he would pay.
Brows beams bore toward the center
With fair wings wing-branch went
As the peregrine to its pine tree.
To ring-goddess great his tribute.
His orbs shone on elm of rose
At queens foot stand forester bowed
draped across shoulder branches
Flood-flame roses framed her champion.
Shapers of war wove his song
told to poet with proud awe
Son of Uller stood this ground
Heard you now hawk sharp saga.
* * *
This poem came as a request from two Kings I served, Lucan and Gregor, as a request that I honor Master Kraken on the day he became Queen’s Champion of Archery in AS46. It was to be given to Kraken, with whom I spent gleeful time during my year standing behind the throne, and who always made me feel light at heart.
The tale was told to Master Toki at Pennsic 40, where we began this poem, with him teaching me the basics of alliterative Norse verse as I explained my visions, and Toki made them into verse. I took it home and worked on the remainder of it on my own, adding many verses, changing some of that great Master’s lines even, to be more of my intent, and then returned it to Toki at the War of the Roses AS47. He took my fledgling efforts and gave them wing as we worked on correcting the alliteration (which I *nearly* get but which still is unthinkably difficult to me!) while working to keep my words, tone, style and story intact as we brainstormed ways to correct this or that, or make this line or that one better. There are some places which break and bend rules, with the understanding that this piece is really one for voice and not as much for page.
This is the result of his skillful filing of the rough work.
It was my great joy to have been able to present this to Master Kraken at the Great Northeastern War, AS47, as he was made the Fifteenth Tyger of the East by King Kenric. He is a legend of the East, and I am proud to have been able to tell one of his tales.
Wilhem de Broc and Isabel Chamberlain, photo by Cateline la Broderesse. As you can see, Lady Isabel knows something that Lord Wilhem doesn't yet.
To my frynde and faire jentylwoman, I recomende me unto yow, and thanke yow of your gyudenesse evermore shewed, and pray yow to contenew. I have resyvyd newes of yowr husband, Lord Wilham de Broc, a jentylman who has come to the attention of our most fierce lyon Kyng Gregor and his brave Queen Kiena.
Sondry and diverse persones have told tales of Lord Wilham and of his prowess and goodness seyn by all before hym over these many monthes, and I desire yow to hear them proclaimed.
When yew arrived from warm lands, they marvaylyd that Wilham had not borne the sword, for he comandyd it as thouh rehersyd. And saw they the sinister casueltes and consydered the sped of Wilhem and demeyd hym suche man as gode man shold be, of umble wyse, of whom dute and servyse are the most joye of erthely thynges.
He fyrst rode, as yow know, be yond to the Roses War, and ther spake a pace with men of arms. Witness seyde that he sholde take the sword up and procede to the list, and moor ovyr, that he shoulde cawse hym to take arms against brave men and knights and dukes and masters. He was entretyd to take hys myght up on thym, and many he did beste.
Thys prowess causyd hym a desyeryg place with beltless broders, and at the mudthaw he fought with them and many he did beste.
With serteynte wold he take the Pennsic field with the frendys sent hym, and broders and squires of dukes and knights and masters. For two summers he remembred hys brotheris at arms, and went to aplye the sword and hold shield against the shrewyd dragons and theyr kin. And many he did beste.
For when hys hand hys not set to carve that wood which he lykes, and which all who see these thynges lyke, hit hath been set to sword wich hath carved with entent upon all fields, and hath troblyd soor all foe touched by his blade.
Persones seyd he shuld have his honors, and enquered after the solisitors and Kingges men, and sendeth letters and speke of his desir to serve the East, and of his long travels this wey and that wey with Pembridge kynnesmen to fight, and of his desir to master the sword and grete sword, and his corage in all dealyngs, and protection of the land from any thretis before hit, as is hys ryght as a yeoman.
And furthermore I understond that upon inquisicyon to the members of the august Order of the Tygers Combatant, it hath been agryed by Kyng Gregor and Queen Kiena that this be fynyshed hastyly for they desyred Wilhem to be named as broder to them all, and it was agreid that theye wold make a bond of hym to the Order of the Tygers Combatant upon this feast day of St. Dominator of Brescia, for Wilhem ys lyke a full trewe, harty frende to the kingdom and all gode persones, who we are wele favored with.
And so here we see this gift gret that the Kyng and Queen should geve hym, in ryght bothe in law and in concience, whereby now on feythe as moche as the maner is worth, on this day of the Crown Tournament of the East, which is the fifth day of the monthe of November, anno sociatatis XVI, in their Barony of Bergental, to induct Lord Wilhem de Broc into the Order of the Tygers Combattant, and remitt thys day to youre remembraynce.
My counseill hath told me I may sette a letter that yor may have word of this. And may oure blessed Lord ever preserve you and Wilhem, and be your governour and defender. All this is so endorcyd by the signgatures of golden Kynge Gregor and radient Queen Kiena which bless this page, having been witnessed by the clarke and herald and all assembled in the Court this grete day.
Written in the style of the Paston letters, which are those from a family collected between 1422 and 1509, with Wilhem’s lady, Isabel as the person to whom the letter is addressed, with him as the subject. You can also read many of the original letters which are online. You may read them here. The modern English “translation” is below.
To my friend and fair gentlewoman, I recommend me unto you, and thank you of your guidance evermore showed, and pray you to continue. I have received news of your husband Lord Wilham de Broc, a gentleman who has come to the attention of our most fierce lyon, King Gregor and his brave Queen Kiena.
Sundry and diverse persons have told tales of Lord Wilham and of his prowess and goodness seen by all before him over these many months, and I desire you to hear them proclaimed.
When you arrived from warm lands, they marveled that Wilhem had not borne the sword for he commanded it as though rehearsed. And saw they the sinister casualties and considered the speed of Wilhelm and deemed him such man as good man should be, of humble ways, of whom duty and service are the most joy of earthly things.
He first rode, as you know, beyond to the Roses War, and there spake a pace with men of arms. Witnesses said that he should take the sword up and proceed to the list, and more over, that he should cause him to take arms against brave men and knights and dukes. He was entered to take his might upon them, and many he did best.
This prowess caused him a deserving place with beltless brothers, and at the mudthaw he fought with them, and many he did best.
With certainty would he take the Pennsic field with the friends sent him, and brothers and squires of dukes and knights and masters. For two summers he remembered his brothers at arms and went to apply the sword and hold shield against the shrewd dragons and their kin. And many did he best.
For when his hand is not set to carve that wood which he likes, and which all who see these things like, it hath been set to sword which hath carved with intent upon all fields, and hath troubled sore all foe touched by his blade.
Persons said he should have his honors, and inquired after the solicitors and king’s men, and senteth letters and spake of his desire to serve the East, and of his long travels this way and that way with Pembridge kinsmen to fight, and of his desire to master the sword and great sword, and his courage in all dealings and protection of the land from any threats before it, as is his right as a yeoman.
And furthermore, I understand that upon inquisition to the members of the august Order of the Tygers Combatant, it hath been agreed by King Gregor and Queen Kiena that this be finished hastily for they desired Wilhem to be named as brother to them all, and it was agreed that they would make a bond of him to the Order of the Tygers Combatant upon this feast day of St. Dominator of Brescia, for Wilhem is like a full, true, hearty friend to the kingdom and all good persons, who we are well favored with.
And so here we see this gift great that the King and Queen should give him, in right both in law and in conscience, whereby now on faith as much as the manner is worth, on this day of the Crown Tournament of the East, which is the fifth day of the month of November, anno sociatatis XVI, in their Barony of Bergental, to induct Lord Wilhem de Broc into the Order of the Tygers Combatant, and remit this day to your remembrance.
My counsel hath told me I may set a letter that you may have word of this. And may our blessed Lord ever preserve you and Wilhem and be your governor and defender. All this is so endorsed by the signatures of golden King Gregor and radiant Queen Kiena which bless this page, having been witnessed by the clerk and herald and all assembled in the Court this great day.
If fortune has been kind than you have met
This lady from the lovely English sea
Whose graces must serve as perfect key
As none have failed to love this sweet soubrette.
When she is near all worldly things forget.
She seems to solve all ills so gracefully
Perhaps it is how she attends to thee,
Her virtues maketh people not to fret.
Her pleasant smile at gate thou may have seen.
Perhaps you heard her laugh behind a shield,
Or on the path of errands she has run.
O what to do with worker so serene,
Who set on any task will just not yield?
Ah, here is notion for this vibrant one!
From this day forth shall Lady be her name!
Thought bold King Gregor and Queen Kiena bright,
And swift decided, unto our delight,
One Lady Lucie Lovegood we would claim!
In AS forty-six thusly ordained,
At Tournament for Eastern Crown, this rite,
Beneath the fifth day’s cold November light,
In Bergental, her ladyship attains.
Laurel Scroll written for Lord Tristan de Worrell, presented at East Kingdom Court at the Pennsic War 40, AS46
Beneath the bright aurora’s light
A wise man with his cart here stands,
St. Eligius’ student greets the night
with kindly eyes and worthy hands.
Within his cheery wooden cart
are cheeses soft, or wrapped in rind,
and wines so sweet, and wines so tart,
and sausages his hands did grind.
In Boxes fine of carv-ed wood
Pierced-work and repoussé do shine.
By Champlevé* so bright and good
Are roundels of ancient design.
His curve-ed spoons shine like the sun;
His tents give shelter from its rays;
His baskets from the trees are spun;
His Songbird’s song echoes for days.
Love Conquers All, the words do read,
His Truth is carved upon wood arms.
Other good things that one might need,
And time, he gives free as small charms.
This man, Lord Tristan de Worrell
By works of beauty fine and rare
Is now bedeck’d with sweet laurel
And garners thus his treatment fair.
Take this man now into your fold
And give him leaves of shining green
That all may freely now behold
This Laurel of such gentle mien.
Arms are granted, fully able
to display in etch-ed copper
Or, two boars combattant sable
base a wooden barrel proper.
Now Forty-six, the year we mark
Forty years of the Pennsic War
Here ten days into Augusts’ arc
Tristan takes all Eastern rapport.
Thus in the Mighty Eastern Court
By King Lucan this writ is signed,
In full with Jana Queen’s support
That Tristan now is Laurel-kind.