Farewell My Bonney

At the EK Bardic Competition, His Majesty King Gryffith II made his request of me for the final round, which was to sing a song I had written myself.  “What kind, Your Majesty?” I asked him.  And he chose, “Sad.”

So I sang this song, which I don’t sing often.  I wrote it for my grandmother when she died, for she loved music and my singing. At the end of her life I would sit by her bed and sing through the hymnal page by page…  So this is her song, but also the song we all can sing to those who have sailed before us.

Here is the song in mp3 format.

Farewell my bonny
Farewell my love
Where you have gone I canna go
For soon you will stand
On the good Caanan land
Where we’ll meet
After my last tomorrow

Oh the sea has enthralled you
For all of your days
I ne’re dared to call you my own
Watching your sleep
I would almost weep
Knowing someday you’d be summoned home.

For thirty long years
I ha’ loved you so well
Though your flower is faded and pale
I know my mere hand
Can’t keep you on the sand
When the captain says its time to sail

I knew awaiting
on that bonny shore
Are many who’ve said their goodbyes
You’ve been called to the sea
By one greater than me
So I wave as the salt fills my eyes

May the ocean’s wide waters
Fall calm before you
May a fair wind blow at your command
And bless’d that ship be
That takes you far from me
With the cargo bound for Canaan land

The Hern

The Hern is a song I first heard on an amazing LP by the late John Fleagle.  A song with period lyric, and quite ancient tune.

It is known as the Corpus Christi Carol as well.

This performance is at the East Kingdom Bardic Competition AS45.

Book of Love (ala Magnetic Fields)


The Magnetic Field’s beautiful “Book of Love” was one I heard covered by Peter Gabriel, having never seen the movie which popularized it.  I loved it, and heard it at about the same time that my dear friends Lord Gwillim and Lady Constancia (then Lady Melisunde) were getting married.

I sang this at their wedding with Nathaniel Kellogg playing the cello – it was wonderful.  Lady Alessandra asked me to play it on the harp, and so I decided to try it for her.  I recorded it the same night that she asked, using my trusty MacBook, at the kitchen table.


Oriens Victoriosus!


OriensVictoriosusSheetMusic pdf

Here comes the East with banners raised
Join your voices sing her praise
Shout to the sky in proud displays
Oriens Victoriosus!

Look to the throne, the Eastern light
Crowing brilliance fills our sight
Beneath their rays our hearts ignite
Oriens Victoriosus!

Here comes the East with banners raised
Join your voices sing her praise
Shout to the sky in proud displays
Oriens Victoriousus!

Look to our kin at battle’s call
Eastern love holds each in thrall
Some will stay rais-ed some will fall
Oriens Victoriosus!

Here comes the East with banners raised
Join your voices sing her praise
Shout to the sky in proud displays
Oriens Victoriosus!

Look to our homes to fields and plows
Think on them while time allows
Ere we come to fill our vows
Oriens Victoriosus!

Here comes the East with banners raised
Join your voices sing her praise
Shout to the sky in proud displays
Oriens Victoriosus!

Look to the kith of Eastern Lands
all created by by their hands
This is why she strongly stands
Oriens Victoriosus!

Here comes the East with banners raised
Join your voices sing her praise
Shout to the sky in proud displays
Oriens Victoriosus!
Oriens Victoriosus!
Oriens Victoriosus!



The song is written in a marching cadence – singers should consider composing verses of their own for their own marching units to sing should they wish!

Eastern War song

Created by the mad scientists at Pastrano Laboratories after Spring Crown Tourney AS46.

I am Eastern, I am Eastern

So are you, So are you

Let’s go beat the Midrealm, Let’s go beat the Midrealm

With a stick! With a stick!

(To the tune of Frere Jaques, more or less.)


(Created by Lady Aneleda, Jarl Thorson, Countess Svava, and Syr Antonio over bagels. Muhahahahahha!)