AoA for Laird Sweyn Mac Awliffe
Words: Aneleda Falconridge
Calligraphy & Illumination:Robert of Stonemarche
All hail and harken to our words,
lad who the northern reaches know,
as the swarthy one who wears the kilt
in weather fair or as winds blow.
He’s nae a man of many words,
there’s oft a stir when he goes past
for in his wake there usually is
some deed he’s done sae fleet and fast.
Who is he working all the day?
Who is this man who hauls the hay?
Who takes a chore so one can play?
The one called Sweyn Mac Awliffe!
He cuts a figure on the range
where he will help, and he will show
and teach the wielder of the axe
or the knife how best tae throw.
He is a kind and gentle man
Providing for the others’ needs –
From cool clear water o’ the spring
To tarts beloved of those he feeds.
Who in deeds e’er does his part?
Who unloads the burdened cart?
Who is this man so good of heart?
The one called Sweyn Mac Awliffe!
So we give him title now of Laird
And make him one of Eastern Court
And he shall bear himself the arms
that he alone shall wear and sport
(These are not yet registered but this verse is what will be used when they are. =)***
On Gyronny of gules and ermine,
a brown bear proper rampant
and on a chief argent a dagger
fesswise gules – none may recant! ****
Who makes the rounds with bonny care?
Who does a thistle and a dagger wear?
Who’s ever just, and always fair?
The Laird called Sweyn Mac Awliffe!
The Emperor Brennan did declare,
Empress Caoilfhionn also swore
this to be signed as solemn truth
at Malagentia’s Great Northeastern War
Therefore on the twelfth day of July
in the 49th year of the Society,
this deed is done now in full
with great and noble piety.
Breannan August Caoilfhionn Augusta