The Links of Virtue

The Links of Virtue


As the chain holds many links
So the Knight holds many virtues
Let them be strong as your arm
Let them be tempered as your love.
For it is not the chain you wear
Or the spurs or cloth of white
But the one beneath these things
Who all have seen,
and rightly called thee Knight.

Upon your arms wear loyalty
for you have sworn to king and country.
A helm of hope set on your brow
that all shall see it in the fight.
Guarding your knees, humility
for where you kneel, all will be watching.
About your waist wear honor proud
that all may see your values glow.

As the chain holds many links…

Wear your faith around your neck
for no gorget better protects you.
Mercy’s gauntlet upon each hand
that brighter shine with actions kind.
Bind your courage against your breast
that bravado find no purchase.
Nail to each sole, obedience
that you may walk where you are asked.

As the chain holds many links….

Endurance buckle to each leg
for there will be some marches long.
Wear prowess strapped across your back
to push you when the need is dire.
Your heart leave open, behind no shield –
It will be guarded by your brothers
For it is there that Chivalry
Is the chain about us all.

As the chain holds many links
So the Knight holds many virtues
Let them be strong as your arm
Let them be tempered as your love.
For it is not the chain you wear
Or the spurs or cloth of white
But the one beneath these things
Who all have seen,
and rightly called thee Knight.

For it is not the chain you wear
Or the spurs or cloth of white
But the one beneath these things
Who all have seen,
and rightly called thee Knight.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

This song was inspired by those members of the Order of Chivalry who to me truly embody the graces that a Knight ought to have. I see such people armored with the many chivalric virtues not merely when they are “playing” in the SCA, but who never remove those virtues, regardless of event, circumstance, life in general – some of those people are close to me and I am honored to know them and be graced with their friendship.  This is a song for those men and women.

There are also many I know who hold these virtues but who have not been (yet) recognized as members of the Order of Chivalry, but who are, to me, certainly very worthy. I am confident that they know who they are.

And it is, finally, dedicated to Sir Ivar Volosatoi, who, before he was Sir Ivar, asked me during Pennsic XL if I could sing during his Knighting ceremony a song I had written for the Eastern Unbelted Champions team. I could not be at the event, John Barleycorn, but wished to send something in my stead. It was delivered by some of the most lovely voices in the East, who learned it from listening to a recording and sang it to him on September 10, AS 46.

 Enormous thanks to the lovely ladies Sabine de Kerbriant, Suba Al-Hadid, Marion Quyn, and Ysmay dle Lynn and Judith Fitzhenry for bearing this gift with their beautiful voices.  Their performance can be seen in this video of the first part of Sir Ivar’s Knighting ceremony.