Oriens Victoriosus!


OriensVictoriosusSheetMusic pdf

Here comes the East with banners raised
Join your voices sing her praise
Shout to the sky in proud displays
Oriens Victoriosus!

Look to the throne, the Eastern light
Crowing brilliance fills our sight
Beneath their rays our hearts ignite
Oriens Victoriosus!

Here comes the East with banners raised
Join your voices sing her praise
Shout to the sky in proud displays
Oriens Victoriousus!

Look to our kin at battle’s call
Eastern love holds each in thrall
Some will stay rais-ed some will fall
Oriens Victoriosus!

Here comes the East with banners raised
Join your voices sing her praise
Shout to the sky in proud displays
Oriens Victoriosus!

Look to our homes to fields and plows
Think on them while time allows
Ere we come to fill our vows
Oriens Victoriosus!

Here comes the East with banners raised
Join your voices sing her praise
Shout to the sky in proud displays
Oriens Victoriosus!

Look to the kith of Eastern Lands
all created by by their hands
This is why she strongly stands
Oriens Victoriosus!

Here comes the East with banners raised
Join your voices sing her praise
Shout to the sky in proud displays
Oriens Victoriosus!
Oriens Victoriosus!
Oriens Victoriosus!



The song is written in a marching cadence – singers should consider composing verses of their own for their own marching units to sing should they wish!